Difficulty changes and more

Difficulty scaling with rounds has been modified heavily:

Enemies now increase their health, movement speed, and damage based on the round.

Higher value prizes, like the shop and super chest get increased drop rates, while the normal chest decreases.

The player now properly scales with difficulty, there was previously a bug that caused less damage.

Enemies now don't spawn until certain rounds, for example:

The blood slime will not spawn until round 3. This small change helps increase fun in the game by giving more difficult enemies the chance to be introduced over time.

Powerup changes:

The starshot now has a higher delay before it can hit an enemy again as well as heavily reduced damage.

The sword summon now can summon up to 3 swords.

General balancing.

There is a new experimental boss:

The Skeleton Magician, a clone to the Skeleton Summoner but with his own attack.


Doinkle Spoink Prototype 03.zip 4.9 MB
1 day ago

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